Leadership Masterclasses

As someone who has attended our Action Centred Leadership (ACL) course with Trevor Vanstone you have hopefully found it to be a practical framework to develop your team.

We talked about the balance of getting the Task done, supporting the Team and getting the best out of each Individual. We looked at the functions of leadership, reinforced it with exercises and you left with an action plan for back at work.

I will admit that this was a lot to cram into two days! You then had the harder job of applying it back at work. Perhaps some further support was required?

That support is now available – a series of 5 ACL Masterclasses being staged over the Autumn and Winter at the magnificent Land Rover Experience Centre in East Devon to deepen your knowledge. Take your pick:

September 19: ACL Masterclass 1 (half day £145 +VAT) Objective setting and planning – being clear to get the task done.

November 22: ACL Team Leader Masterclass 2 (half day £145 +VAT) Supporting the team – the tools, techniques and awareness you need.

January 24: ACL Team Leader Masterclass 3 (half day £145 +VAT) Resolving problems – early intervention and employment law essentials.

February 27: ACL Team Leader Masterclass 4 (half day £145 +VAT) Coaching and mentoring skills to develop your team.

March 20: ACL Team Leader Masterclass 5 (half day £145 +VAT) Evaluating performance, appraisal skills and the link to objectives.

You can pick and choose which of the practical courses would suit or sign up for all five at a special rate of £600 +VAT. To book please click here.


Since you went on the course there have been a few changes:

  • Perspective HR is the Employment and Leadership training wing of Amarisk Ltd, the safety specialists, whom we still work closely with.
  • And the Land Rover Experience has just invested around £350k in a truly superb training and conference room and overall upgrade.

I would love to catch up and see how your leadership role is developing. Naturally, give me a ring on 01392 247436 or contact me at trevor@perspectivehr.co.uk to discuss further.

Trevor Vanstone, Director

Get in touch to discuss your HR ambitions



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